Anders Thelberg (PGA of Norway & Norwegian Golf Federation, Head of Training) presented coach development system in Norway. Making coaches who are leaders not having only focus on lessons. Concept IDA suggesting motivation of apprentice coaches to become part of larger organization so to gain more responsibility.
Bill Owens (Golf Educatif, Independent Golf Professional ) transferred many emotions through energy and love which was invested in Golf Educatif program in France. Building small golf courses on city slumps and other land owned by Municipalities. Artificial turf from sports grounds which was to be thrown away , old clothes used for hole marking, children who use and maintain courses. Bill has been nominated and granted award for golf development at the Congress prize giving ceremony. Currently there is 28 courses built in France by Bill’s leadership.
Dan Killen (GSA Golfsports) company which presents SNAG (Start New at Golf) is known to us for some years back through development of school golf (short golf). GSA Golfsports organized small tournament at the practice ground of Bay golf course, where was played in teams of six, scramble format for 6 holes. It was extremely interesting to see professional players with small plastic sticks trying to achieve their maximum.
Johan Hampf (PGA of Sweden, Director of Education, Confederation of Professional Golf Golf Developer ) described effort and vision of golf development in Costa Rica. Country where some areas are not safe even for living and hardly for golf. His interesting way of coaching technics are at the same time quite innovative.
Dr. Kyle Phillpots (PGA of Great Britain & Ireland Executive Director – Education and Global Development) invited delegates to workshops after his presentation where in interactive atmosphere was receiving and delivering information's about the level of coaches and instructors development as to foresee problematic issues for further education on international level.
Marc Brooks (Thomas International, Senior Learning and Development Specialist) representative for consulting company for all sports presented psychological approach to clients and coworkers based on our personal profile. Dividing personality in 4 profiles where each of us had to recognize themselves. We do have all 4 profiles although in different situations and circumstances different one rules. Very interesting presentation where all delegates participated and worked on their own profile.
Martin Crowder (Golf Foundation Development Manager) introduced golfsixes academy program which currently has practice at 32 golf clubs in England. Supported by Golf Foundation, England's Golf and European Tour , Martin explains great interest of public for this program. Six players scramble format played over six holes has entertaining character mostly for beginners but also for the ones who would like to play with other players of same playing ability.
Ralf Putter (Bochumer Golf Club e.V. Head Professional) presented Golf Master studies at University of Koln, Germany. Applicant's should have 10 years of teaching experience to be able to apply. Approximate expenses for this 3 year program comes roughly around €60K.
Annual Congress
Confirmation of status and goals, Confederation of Professional Golf
Confederation of Professional Golf, Ian Randell – ‘Leaders in the Provision of Golf Development Expertise’